B&H is now offering Next Day LTL service to and from Kansas City to nearly 2000 zip codes in Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky. We've added some new locations, so check out the map of the Next Day service area, as well as an excel spread sheet of all the zip codes serviced.
With this service, not only can we pick up in Kansas City and deliver next day to these locations, but we are now able to provide inbound service to Kansas City from these locations.
Take a look at the map below for an overview of the service area, or send an E-Mail to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for more info.
Click on image to view larger - Right click either image to save image as a local file.
B&H Freight Line, Inc.
Mailing Address:
468 S. 26th St.
Kansas City, KS 66105
Remit to Address:
P.O. Box 509
Harrisonville, MO 64701
Email Support webmaster@bhfreightline.com
Phone: 913-621-1840
Toll Free: 800-892-5006
Fax: 913-621-0709